Sunday, November 11, 2012

?..On Children's Eating Habits?.. Your Health Journal | Your ...

From The Southern?..

Question: My 8-year-old son was born prematurely and weighed only 3 pounds. He is still too thin in my opinion, although his doctor hasn?t been worried about it. I have been trying to get him to gain weight his whole life. In pre-school, kindergarten, and first grade I did not pack a special lunch for him (lunch was provided by the school.) It seemed to me that he rarely ate lunch for these three years. My mother convinced me to start packing his lunch this year. He seems to be eating a bit more, but is overall just as picky. What should I do?

Answer: Because parent concerns about children who don?t eat much and are underweight are fairly common these days, I?ve asked the expert opinions of two pediatricians. Both tell me the same thing: First, if the child in question is healthy and active, then he or she is eating enough; second, being overweight is more of a problem than being slightly underweight (the childhood obesity problem in is perhaps America?s major childhood health issue); third, if the child?s physician has been consulted and is not concerned, then there is almost certainly no problem. It is the extremely rare child in America who suffers from malnutrition, the symptoms of which _ lethargy, distended belly, dizziness, significant weight loss _ are obvious indicators that something drastic is wrong.

In all likelihood, his prematurity sensitized you to health issues and your anxiety causes you to see mountains where there are only molehills. I can only advise you to relax and trust your son?s physician where his physical well-being is concerned.

To read the full story?..Click here

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